Home Movies: What is past is Prolog?

So it’s been awhile again.  Christmas is here once again and I’m still playing with the past. I’ve been digitizing my Dad’s 8mm as well as my Super 8 films in the hope that there is footage I can use for the documentary. I’ve found several pieces of footage and this is one of them. At the end of the footage I see my mom & dad at City Hall after they got married. It was a great find, and one I will use. I put the music in as a sort of place holder, but like happy accidents it works, and I’ve already had several happy accidents while compiling and editing the footage. The hardest for me in doing this project is that I have to include myself. How can I define my father without hearing from me since I am the one who knew him best. Interviewing myself feels wrong, so I have asked my oldest son who has some interest in family history to ask me questions. I have asked him to pull no punches and to ask what he wants to know. It’s the only way I can get away with doing this film. I hate being so self indulgent, and good art comes from pushing oneself and getting uncomfortable, so I’ve decided to delve deep in our relationship and why it was the way it was. There will be some uncomfortableness for sure, but it’s the only way I can complete this film honestly and truthfully.  I am still in the process of getting media together, and seeing what I have. I am going to use some of Ancestry to get some facts of the family down. I was gifted it as a Christmas present and hope to find out some facts about the family and my father’s past, which includes his military service.

It goes slow. Slower then I’d like, but I’m picking up the pieces and getting them together, and maybe it will show me a direction to go in. I have some Hi 8 footage as well that I took of the house my dad and his family grew up in. So there is a lot of technical things I need to do before I get everything I need to assemble the film. But I’m sure there may be some surprises in store while pulling this project together. So taking it step by step slowly when time permits. The project is still keeping my filmmaking skills sharp, and attune, which is another reason why I am doing this. But mostly for enjoyment, and that’s what it’s all about, and hoping to leave something for my boys and possible their decedents if they should have any. It would been fantastic for their Grandfather to know them, and hopefully through this film they’ll know a bit about him, myself and the family. At least that’s the idea. We’ll see how it comes out, and try to finish before my birthday next year. Till then keeping the faith…..